Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mother F***ing Son of a B****!!!!

So, one of Houston's fine upstanding citizens walked into the theater today, took advantage of an unsecure, unguarded lobby, and walked off with my f***ing laptop!!

He just unplugged it from the network, unplugged the power and walked out with it. I can't believe it. What a gutsy mother f****er. I mean, as he was loitering in the lobby up to no good, our stage manger walked though. Unfortunately, we were expecting some community service help to show for the work that was being done in the back office.

"Are you community service?", she asked.
"Yeah!", he answered.
"They're in the back" she said and she continued on her way out the door to the dumpster with the load she had. That left him with the smallest of windows to take off with it.

Having to buy another laptop doesn't bother me too much. Hell, thanks to Tropical Storm Allison, I will be in debt for the rest of my life, what's another 12 hundred.

No, it is all the work that I had on the hard drive. Work that I should have been backing up weekly, but have been too busy and distracted to remember to do.

F****ing corn rowed bastard! I am so angry, I can't even describe it. It's just bull s**t. It is going to take me the rest of the season to recreate some of the work I had done. Ideas that I had about theater growth.

I hate that mother f***ing son of a b**** and I hope something really really horrible happens to him before he pawns my lap top, and then I hope he is caught and goes to jail, and then I hope something even more horrible happens to him there.


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