Monday, February 28, 2005

Jews and Children

I might have made a boo boo last night. A friend, Miss B. we call her, brought her realatively new beau to the party. It came down to one of the documentary categories, and I started chanting, "Jews and children." After repeating that about three times, I hit me, there is a Jewish man in the house who hasn't been around long enough to understand!

I say Jews and children always win the documentary categories for one reason. No matter how many films are made about the Holocaust, it will never cease to be the most shocking and horrifying period in our history. You just can't help but wonder how man could be so horribly cruel to fellow men. It is beyond the hate of Muslim extremists and the USA. It is beyond the hate of Israelis and Palistinians. It is beyond belief.

The same goes for children. Children in general are cute. So you either have cute children living sad, horrible lives or you have cute children living cute, adorable lives. Whether they make you cry or make you laugh, the kids win! Unless they are up against Jews. Jews always win. Especially Jewish children. Cute just can't beat the shame one feels as a human being when one is reminded of that period in history.

So, when I say "Jews and children", I mean these stories are unbeatable. And I was right. I voted for The Children's March. Looking back at the list, I see that another film dealt with homeless children on the Moscow subway (cute children living horrible lives). But March is about children in this country, specifically the South during the civil rights movement. Our own shocking history wins every time too.

Unless there are Jews.


lemming said...

Everyone loves Drew. :-)

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