Wednesday, February 23, 2005

And he'll have fun, fun, fun til his Daddy takes the T-bird away!

So, the big auto decision was made today. After a brief discussion with the insurance agent to see if there was anything they were holding out on me, I decided to keep the car and take the $1000.00 offer.

What I am not doing is A) spending one more dime on Bartholomew, my Saturn and B) not buying a new car until July.

My inspection runs out in July. I would bet Bartholomew would not pass. For one, neither horn button works now. My license fee runs out in August. I don't want to pay that only to lose the benefit in the fall. He has served me well for almost 11 years. But with the bad trunk, no horn and no A/C, retirement is over due.

I know Sept. would be the best time to buy, but I will just weasel a fall deal out of them in July. By then I can pay down some bills to where I can comfortably manage them with my salary and start paying and banking for car payments with my creative earnings.

One thing I also won't be doing again is visiting Demo's automotive in the Village. There body shop guy was a total jerk to me. He either didn't listen to a thing I said about the options I was trying to figure out, or he just couldn't be bothered with me.

I felt funny about going to my Dad's shop after he had called in and did an advance recon for me. I already agreed the night before to go into them before making my mind up. The Demo's people probably saw me as a "rich kid" being bailed out by dear old dad. What they don't know is that when it comes to dad, ole Drewster's bails himself out, no matter how deep the water is in his apartment or his trunk.

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