Sunday, February 10, 2008

Where Is the Restart Button?

How do you start a day over? This day has been just no fun.

First, I should tell you that with the way Christmas works for the adults in my family, everyone basically gets one gift from a chosen family member. Since I am single and without children, I thus get one gift. So, I always save up and get myself something fun. This year I decided on a Wii. I didn't come on to this decision until just after Christmas, and obviously, there were no Wii's to be found. But I thought, I am a patient man and surly there will be some around in a couple of weeks.

Well, more than a month later, ToysRUs finally has Wiis. I get up today, go over a bit early and see a really short line. Cool, thinks I. After all, it isn't the holidays, so there probably isn't the same kind of rush.

Survey says, X!

The short line was what was left of the bigger line as they started letting people in 3 at a time about 40 minutes earlier. The woman ahead of me said they were told there were six left after the last 3 went in, and she was #7, making me #8. Someone from the last 3 was after a Nintendo DS Cobalt blue, which meant 7 Wiis left. I was still #8 and left out of luck. And #7 had just gotten there, so if I didn't do one thing that delayed my arrival, I would have been #7. I knew I should have skipped breakfast. Most important meal indeed!

All area ToysRUses sold out within minutes and no other stores have any stock yet. I already used an Amazon certificate to get Guitar Hero, and still, after more than a month, I can't play it!

Then the end of the day comes. I go out, double check on when and if more Wiis are coming, and go to the grocery store. I get to check out and discover my wallet is left at home. ARGH!

That's it. I am done with this day.

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