Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time To Pay the Piper: Breaking $15,000!

Well, it has been too long since I posted. This is supposed to be my view, and you get nothing. Well, at least today you get debt pay off!

Minimum Payment = $15
Payment Sent (2/15) = $59.36
Attributed to interest = $9.36
Attributed to Credit Card Debt = $50

Now, last week, when my voice lesson got taken by the lovely Doris Davis, I absorbed the money because my budget is going to hell this month. Ms. Davis needed the time again this week (she is recording a CD), so I will call this week's lesson money Found Money.

Attributed to Credit Card Debt = $35

Total Debt: $14926
2008 goal Attained: $574 (of $5,500)

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