Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hail to the Cheifs

I know only two or three people read this blog, but I have something that I want to say.

I want to thank the city leaders of the East Texas coast for the absolutely stellar job they did during Hurricance Rita. I know a lot of people are going to start complaining about this and that, especially the traffic problems with evacuation.

Yes, there were problems, but this is the first time that such an evacuation was attemepted. Don't forget that A) there was a plan and B) when things got problematic, the state and cities responded as quickly as possible.

Most important, buses were provided for those with out transportation ahead of the storm, and pets were not treated as chattel, but as part of the family which they are.

Thank you Mayor White and the team in Houston and Harris County. Thank you Lyda Ann Thomas and the team in Gavleston.

I think I love you Lyda Ann ...

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