Monday, September 26, 2005

Annoying Republicans

By request of Eva--

When my latest neighbor moved in on my living room wall, I introduced myself. Because I have bad ears, I sometimes have to turn the TV up a bit more than most would and told her to just let me know if it ever was a problem.

Then, one night I was watching the extended version of LOTR:TFOTR and the sound effects are MUCH louder than the dialogue. This was especially true during the battle in the Mines of Moria. I kept adjusting the volume as the sound spiked, but dang it, I wanted to know what they were saying!

The next day I had a note on my door that seemed a little pissy. After I got over sending a pissy note back, I wrote a very nice note of apology and asked her to call me any time it was a problem again, and gave her my number.

Not heard a peep from her since, though she is less than friendly if we do happen to pass in the parking lot.

Even though I had my needs, I was feeling empathetic until I noticed on her small SUV a W sticker.

I am not much for drawing lines in the sand when it comes to politics, but with everything else, she seemed the perfect target for my liberal, independent disdain.

Of course, this Friday, I was pretty sure she was gone and watched the film with full surround sound glory!


lemming said...


Anonymous said...



tommyspoon said...

I would ask Santa for some nice noise-cancelling headphones...