Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You Made Your Bed, Now Sleep In It

I have recently gotten into the habit of making my bed every morning. Not only when I change the sheets. Not half way when I need a good place to fold laundry. Every day.

The thing is, the room looks so much nicer when you come home and look into the room with a made bed. Some people will tell you, "Why make it, you are only going to mess it up later!", but don't listen. Your mother was right. Make your bed. Somehow life seems better.

Of course it means taking that extra bit of time in the A.M. as you are rushing out the door for work. I have found taking that moment to stop and make the bed is a bit zen. Your one moment to take a breath and not be running like an idiot gathering your day together.

So make your bed each morning and enjoy how your home looks when you come back from the long day. It's worth it!

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