Monday, April 10, 2006

The Flowers the Bloom in the Spring, Tra la!

I have taken a few days mostly off to do some spring-cleaning. It is slow going but the results have been very satisfactory.

I started with the closet. I didn’t “clean out” the closet per se, but did get rid of the trash, organize the areas that could be better stored and got most of my Christmas stuff together and out to storage. There is still one mini trip where that is concerned.

Next has been the bedroom; all those areas that have not been dusted, places behind things that haven’t seen a vacuum in a few years, and the like. When an area is done, it looks so clean and proper. You would think that would be incentive to keep that way. Maybe this time …

The one thing I am glad to finally accomplish is level the two beside bookcases. In my apartment, anything against the wall slopes one way or the other because of the thick carpet pad. I was especially eager to attend to this project as I got a new lamp for the bedside that was tall and slim. This accentuated the backwards slope. I felt like a lived in the Joker’s lair!

I solved the problem with my hall bookcases by placing furniture sliders under the front legs. This made it almost perfectly level!

So this weekend I got new sliders, this time for the back corners of the bookcases. Again, near perfect fix

So, the rest of today, before I have appointments, will be for the front part of the bedroom, hall and maybe into the living room. If not, the living room tomorrow before I go back to work!

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