Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I am 37. When the hell did I get so old??!

Geesh, three years to 40! Well, being 40 doesn't really bother me. By the time I get to the big numbers I seem to have dealt with the issue, or at least locked it away somewhere that it can be ignored.

But 37 is tough. For some reason, late 30s sounds old. Mid 30s did not. Early 30s most certainly not, but LATE.

As an actor of my general type, and being male, age doesn't scare me. I am too short to be a typical leading man and too tall to be a typical character man. BUT, once my look starts to catch up with my age, I will be just about right for husbands and fathers. Older brothers too. I should have been rife for younger brothers, but they have been few and far between and someone else always gets them. Damn them!

Oh, and being an actor with a relatively young look helps me with the whole locking away thing. I am still reading, knock on wood, 10 years younger. Of course it was only two years ago that was 15 years younger. At that rate, I might look 40 when I get there!

Cheers from a near future Ingé-not-so-nue!

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