Saturday, January 19, 2008

Paying for Myself

Because I am not sure if people go back to read the comments responding to there comments, I wanted to post this little exchange. Plus, I made so many typos, it was kind of embarrassing.

In UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN, Chris said...
Your crediting yourself $19 toward paying off your credit card debt because you saw two movies for free seems disingenuous at best. The way to pay off your cards is to send checks to the credit card company. Then, when they send you a new statement, you can consider the difference between the old balance and the new to be true debt reduction.

I said...
I think you misunderstand. I SENT $19 (added to this month's payment which is already included in the initial goal, fyi).

Since I saw the film for free, I sent the money I would have paid to see it to the CC company. Because it is going to be up for a lot of Oscars, I would have most likely spent the money anyway. Since I saw it for free, I "paid myself" for the film. Likewise, UTTS was a DVD I would have eventually bought for myself. I simply paid for it twice. Once to Amazon for a gift and once again to "myself" as the gift was no longer needed.

My monthly budget for paying these bills will never be enough. I will have to chip away at it whenever I can. Fortunately, with on-line bill pay, I can do this weekly!

Total Debt: $15,481
2008 goal Attained: $19 (of $5,500)

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