Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Credit Cards Are Bad!

Karyn said it best when she created her web site, CREDIT CARDS ARE BAD.

2008 will be my 40th year in this world. I want to make it the best year ever. I want to be in the best shape of my life, both physically and financially. One way I hope to achieve this is share my work against my credit card debt to everyone.

I have $15,500.00 in credit card debt. I know, I know, how the hell did that happen!? Well, more than half of it was due to Tropical Strom Allison in 2001. The rest grad school and even mispending when I had a higher paying job.

As a working artist whose "day job" is also in non-profit arts, most headway I make on this total gets eaten up by something or other. Today, I am setting a goal for 2008. Pay $5,500.00 off by 12/31/08. And I will share my progress here.

Do you shop Amazon.com? If so, you can help me by starting your shopping here. Just come to my blog and click on the Amazon.com link of your choice to start your shopping. Every cent I make in commissions will go towards the bottom line, and I will report all my earingings here. Just click below...

Total Debt: $15,500
Goal Attained: $0.00


Anonymous said...

Drew: There is actually a whole community of bloggers out there who are working on the same project. Do a search for personal finance blogs and you will find them.

Drewster said...

Thanks Chris! I will look into it.

lemming said...

You've got it!