Friday, September 01, 2006

... now wait a G** damned minute!

I realized after going to bed last night that I made a mistake. I was accused of being as bad of a whiner as the people I was railing against in my last blog.

I responded by basically agreeing, and blaming it on 5 years of saved up whining. But having reconsidered, I have to strongly disagree.

I was ranting. I was raving. I was being ridiculously unfair to a situation where I only knew just a few of the facts. I was NOT whining. Whiners sit around and complain with no plan to move forward otherwise. I had private complaints about my situation, but I never stopped planning how I was going to get to the next day. For 1 month I slept on a couch which doesn't come with a power bill. Compassion paid my power bill for 2 months. Rent covered my power bill for 3 months. After 6 months, I was paying my own bills again. FEMA never paid for my power bill.

As for compassion? I had compassion. A year ago, a whole population went through a hell that was unimaginable until it was witnessed. They needed help. They needed support.

I am still sorry about how their lives were dramatically changed, but in a year, you need to be responsible for your electricity. Since when is electricity an unalienable right?

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