Thursday, September 14, 2006


When you are a performer, one of the biggest variables is the "It Factor." Do you have IT? That is the question.

I often wonder if I have it and would like to think I do. When I perform, if I have the opportunity to greet the audience afterwards, I usually get good feedback on my performance. Many times the size of my role does not limit the audience from complimenting me on my work. When they see me, they clearly see it.

On the flip side, when I audition, getting a job often seems like a struggle. Some directors, including one or two whom I consider close personal friends, don't seem to see it. Some shows I am cast in with out hesitation. Clearly they saw it. Others, I can't seem to break in. They don't see it.

So I must have it, just not everyone can see it. That someone in the audience sees it keeps me pounding away at a career on the boards. Of course, if the director doesn't see it, it doesn't put money in the bank.

And now I have an audition at a theatre I haven't tried for in a couple of years. I three person musical that will very likely have a highly competitive list. They show is cute, I think I have the notes, I think I have the skills, I know I will have the audience and I think I have it. I just hope it isn't left at home that day ...


lemming said...

As a quasi-professional perfomer in my professional life, I do believe that there are some moments when everything just comes together. Maybe you have on the wrong shoes, the pages are in the wrong order and there's a headache just below your eyebrows, but somehow everything just FLOWS and you know that you've blown everyone away.

Except, as Dr Seuss says, when you don't - because sometimes, you won't.

Drewster said...

You know, I was about to say how this made no sense to me whatsoever. I clearly read it too early this AM.

Now, in the brighter light of late morning, it means something!