Friday, August 25, 2006

And maybe a view?

As many of you know (well, there are three, four of you?) I tend to watch an inordinate amount of TV. Not as much as our noble QOTD, but more than my fair share. This week Fox started rolling out its Fall shows. Most notably "Vanished."

I really liked this show. The thing I like most, I think, is that whether it is season long or not, the story arc is long. Not like CSIs (also favorites) where there is a different story every week with the characters we love, but the story plays out over many episodes. The mystery of this woman's "disappearance" is going to take a while to solve.

The cast, so far, is very appealing. Ming Na is the only one whose work I know (from ER, Joy Luck Club and Mulan), and she is a definite plus. The leading FBI agent, Gale Howard, is very watchable, and his back story gives him a great brooding depth.

John Allen Nelson, as Senator Collins, is also very watchable. He is one of those B ring actors that work all the time in one shot roles, so you will certainly recognize him. He was faboo as the duped Presidential Aide in 24. He gets a very different role here as the duped husband. Wait ... maybe not so different.

Finally, there is Rebecca Gayheart. I almost forgot about her. She is always fun to watch. She is one of those rare few who work like a B ring actor, but seems more like an A ring star.

A ring? B ring? Maybe I should explain my code. A ring actors are the ones that one usually thinks of as a STAR. If not a big time star, they are the star of show after show. Keiffer Sutherland is A ring. Michael J. Fox is A ring. Actors whose names you know.

B ring are the actors with just as much skill and talent as the A ring, but for whatever reason, are the ones you only know on sight and you rarely know their name. They work all the time as guest shots on various shows, show up in supporting roles in films. Always make an impression, but since they are never the star, you almost never remember who they are unless you mean to. Basically, they are the people who you see early on in L&O, who you know are guilty for no other reason than you recognize them. Sure enough, after a brief interview in act 1, they show up again in act 3 as the focus. I would name names, but, well, you get my point.

Anyway, if your life has room and you are looking for a good mystery drama, Vanished just might be for you!

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