Friday, July 07, 2006

Say it ain't so Jo!

I just got off of a much needed long conversation with the Queen Mother, may God keep her safe, and she suggested that a good blogger blog at least once a week. And since it has been two week's since my last confession, I thought maybe I should say something.

So, I have a busted washer. It has been weeks and weeks. Because of my show schedule, it has been tough getting Sears in to look at it, but earlier last week, I got the man in.

He listened to it and said that to start it was $475, and it could be more once he got in there and worked on it, being that it was a very cheap appliance with about a life of 5 years, and low and behold, it was 5 years old.

To complete the estimate, he needed wireless access, which he wasn't picking up in the apartment. While he was waiting for me to get some shoes on to go out and find a signal, he looked at my bookcase and said, "So, did you hear that she might actually kill Harry Potter in the last book?"

beat ... beat ...

"Um, yeah. I saw that interview this morning. She actually made no allusions as to who it might be, only that two major characters would die."

"I don't really think she would kill Harry Potter off, you think?"

beat .. beat ...

"Um, I would hope not, but you never know."

"Yeah, she said she wrote the last chapter first. Very interesting."

Inside Voice: "Am I really having this conversation with the repair man?"

"Me too. Can't wait for that last book."

And out we went. See? How can anyone say Harry Potter is a bad thing. Even grown men who, through stereotype, probably haven't read a book since their last day in school are captivated by this wizard and the world Jo Rowling has created. Maybe this guy is an anomaly of his class and is a prolific reader, but it still is pretty amazing that a bohemian like me and a maintenance repair man like him can talk about something like Harry Potter.

In the mean time, the new washer came, I am doing laundry at home (and not work) and the buzzer on the dryer almost made me wet myself. I forgot it could make that kind of noise!

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