Friday, May 27, 2005

I got it!

You are now looking at the proud new owner of a Toyota Matrix, and it is totally awesome!

I got a great deal I think, but I let them make a little money on me in financing.

First, I was told that the Matrix (along with other Corolla based vehicles) are among the top 10 stolen, so I got Lowjack. The good news is I got a great insurance discount because of that, and over the term of the loan, Lowjack will pay for itself!

I also did an extension of my warranty that covers labor costs on various repairs. I know this usually is a rip off, but I with my experience with my Saturn in Houston traffic and weather, I think it will be worth it. I totally burned through my A/C in less than 5 years, and alternators went quickly too.

And Cosmic Blue is totally awesome. I was a little scared about getting a light blue, but it rocks!

Zoom - Zoom - Zoom!


lemming said...

Hurrah for lowjack! hooray for new cars! Balki dance of joy!

lemming said...

(gentle cough)

Er, DRew, how about an update?