Friday, May 06, 2005

An Awfully Big Adventure

So, I saw the farewell tour of Cathy Rigby's Peter Pan this week. My friend the Wendy-lady had seen a previous leg and highly recommended it. Since she is the expert and I had free tickets, how could I say no?

I had seen Rigby play the part years ago but had no specific memory of her performance. Then I watched some of the A&E special when they taped a "stage" production. It was absolutely horrid. I was forced to turn it off half way through the nursery scene. Michael and John were still asleep! Thus, I went to the current production with great trepidation.

I was pleasently surprised. Rigby was as good as my friend said. She embodied the soul of a pre-pubescent boy quite well. It may not have been a landmark performance, but certainly capable. And the pirates were quite enjoyable. There seemed to be one pirate from every corner of the world, including one in a kilt. How could you not enjoy a pirate in a dress?

Finally, Rigby's curtain call, which involved her flying out over the audience and practically landing in the Gallery above, was worth it all. What a magical moment. Yes, you know she is on a wire, and you can even see the guy in the pit yanking on the rig set up on the outside of the proscenium, but you just don't care. Peter Pan was flying through the house sprinkling fairy dust over everyone. Who couldn't believe in that?

I do believe in fairies! I do! I do! I do!

1 comment:

lemming said...

"I have wings/ yes I can fly..."