Saturday, January 08, 2005

Why are people stupid?

What is it with people? Why does everything have to be spelled out for them? No wonder we have 4 more years.

I just sold tickets to people at the door for the theater at 7:30. Now, when we do advance sales over the phone, we always warn people to be on time as there is no late seating. But when you sell them at the door, the people are there, right?

These people must have gone next door to get a drink or play in traffic or something. They show up almost 10 minutes late. We have already held for 5 minutes to be safe, and then we still seat people during the overture, but once the character of C.C. Baxter makes his entrance, that's it. No more seating.

So, these people come waltzing in from God knows where just as the overture is ending. I tried to get them in, but as the usher was going in, out came Joel, the actor playing Baxter.

They were absolutely astonished that they couldn't get in. They were only 7 minutes late. It wasn't like they were 20 minutes late. And I didn't tell them there was no late seating. Of course, if the looked even a minute at their tickets, it says it right there! And no other theater will do late seating if it is in any way disruptive.

Oh, but this is the first time we have been to the theater. It is just a horrible experience now.

Yeah, well, here's your 20 bucks. Good speed!

People are just children. Spoiled little children.

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