Monday, November 03, 2008

I really do have something to say!

Below is a response I felt compelled to write after reading the e-mail thread BCCed to me by a friend. I never talk about abortion much. As I say below it is personal. I just hope I didn't come off as stupid as Mrs. Scott. And I say Mrs. Scott as I am sure Ms. would be insulting.

Dear Mrs. Scott,
If I had a vote in a pregnancy that I was involved with, I would want the pregnancy to come to term. Even though that is my CHOICE, ultimately I know I do not have a final say in the matter.

What I would really hate is to live in a country where any woman's only CHOICE is to find a back water hut well stocked with coat hangers. I really must take issue with your statement, which is misleading at best.

First, you quote the Old Testament, not Jesus. I didn't know your kind of "Christian" read the Old Testament.

"Do we really want a country where our minor daughters can be taken across state lines and abortions performed without us knowing??" Um, the legislation YOU propose would promote this. If not state lines, than international borders. The FOCA would help prevent it.

"Do we really want abortion procedures legal again where a full term baby is [delivered] and their brains sucked out?" Um, none of the decisions defending a woman's right of choice about her reproductive decisions allow for this kind of activity if it is even true. This is clearly a scare tactic and inflammatory. If you had any knowledge about pro-choice decisions like Roe v. Wade, you would know that these decisions balance a woman's choice against the viability of the fetus. Brain sucking is science fiction.

Do you even know what FOCA is about? Maybe you should read that for yourself. Let me help you by pointing you to the Library of Congress.

I have never really discussed my views regarding abortion with my friends. What my CHOICES would be are personal. Not having created life yet myself, I like to think it starts at conception, but that is what I CHOOSE to believe, and that belief is based not only a bit on my Christian faith, but simply on how I FEEL about it, warm and fuzzy as that may be.

I also believe that neither the Government, nor you nor anyone else have any business in controlling how I feel about this. If you get pregnant in any matter, whether it be youthful ignorance, a misfire on birth control, or a violent rape, how you deal with that pregnancy should be between you, your family and your belief in how the world works. Creationist, Darwinist, it doesn't matter.

That is what Sarah Palin's daughter did after all without government interference.

God bless you too Mrs. Scott,


The point of living and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come.
- Peter Ustinov

----- Original Message ----
From: Karen
To: Denise Scott
Sent: Monday, November 3, 2008 10:36:41 AM
Subject: please do not send me any additional emails of this sort

Please remove me from your email list. I am not interested in this type of reactionary twaddle.

May God bless you. You clearly need the help.


----- Original Message ----
From: Denise Scott
To: Spencer Scott
Sent: Monday, November 3, 2008 7:47:52 AM

“I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life that you and your descendants may live.” (Deut. 30:19)

Dear Friends and Family,

I am sending this note to each of you because I care about you and our country. I don't ordinarily do this but I believe these are extraordinary times. For many reasons, the most significant election in our lifetime is tomorrow. We are called as Christians to love one another and to protect life. Early Christians knew and embraced this responsibility. That is why they rescued orphaned children (many who were left to die because they weren't "normal") and helped the widows and poor. Remember Jesus taught us to help the "least of our brothers." Who is more helpless than an unborn baby, a special needs person, or an elderly person in a nursing home? This election provides us with an opportunity to help the least of our brothers and sistersmn. John McCain and Sarah Palin offer us an alternative to the culture of death we find ourselves in this country. John McCain has a 100% favorable pro-life voting record on abortion and Sarah Palin lives her pro-life values every single day. If Barack Obama is elected he said the first thing he would do is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. This act will remove all restrictions from abortion - parental consent, partial birth, etc. Do we really want a country where our minor daughters can be taken across state lines and abortions performed without us knowing?? Do we really want abortion procedures legal again where a full term baby is delievered and their brains sucked out? What kind of person would do this or would support this? What kind of person would vote 4 times to allow a baby to be put in a corner and die that is born alive from an abortion. Think about it, do you really want this person in charge of your HEALTH CARE when you are older??

For my friends that are considering voting for Obama, do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a "culture of death" where the state decides whose life is worthy of protecting? When the state has control of the health care system that will eventually be what happens. You can see it now in countries that have state-sponsored health care systems. Cancer patients, the elderly, and children with special needs, are all targets in these societies, simply because they cost the state too much money.

For my pro-life friends, don't be discouraged, this election is not over and the outcome depends on all of us getting out the vote. Go early to the polls and be prepared to wait as the lines will be long. Help others get there if you can. While in the voting booth choose the candidates that promote a culture of life, not a culture of death.

Thank you for reading my note. Please consider emailing your friends with a word of encouragement. Most of all, please pray for the wisdom of our electorate and that God's will be done.

God Bless,
Denise Scott

1 comment:

Christopher Wheeler said...

Welcome back, Drew! It is good to see you posting again.

I agree with you and Karen. Mrs. Scott's message is the kind of reactionary twaddle that gives reactionarys like me a bad name. I was particularly appalled by her assertion that FOCA would result in girls being taken across state lines for abortions. The bill clearly states that women are already crossing state lines for abortions. That is what provides the rationale for Federal regulation.

And by the way, I am the only person who thought of the old punch line "Transporting young gulls over state lions for immortal porpoises."

A true reactionary would condemn the majority decision in Roe v. Wade as bad law. "We detect within the penumbra of the constitution a fundamental right to privacy." Now that's twaddle. But if you read Blackmun minority assent, where he goes back to English common law and the "quickening," and infers that by quickening is intended viability, now you've got a legal leg to stand on.

A real reactionary could complain about allowing medical procedures to be performed on minors without parental consent as an unwarrented intrusion of government power into the realm of the family. Point out the absurdity that a fifteen year old cannot get a tattoo with parental consent, but can get an abortion in many jurisdictions.

But mostly what a real reactionary would rave about is the idea of unelected judges making up law out of whole cloth, and removing decisions from the political sphere prior to democratic consensus being formed. Said reactionary might also point out that revolution begets reaction. That the mere act of unelected judges stomping on people's deeply held beliefs, and imposing radical change on the law, provides the impetus for lasting enmity to the change. Which is why we're still fighting over this issue 30+ years later.

Of course, every time I engage my (fiercely) pro-choice mother on this issue, she expresses the wish that she had had abortion availible to her after her first two children were born. Needless to say, I am child number three.

More reactionary blather resides on my blog,

As a matter of fact, this could be my new byline: "Reactionary twaddle you can use!"