Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The World will pardon my blush...

You ever have a crush on someone you can't shake? I do now. Man, what a pain in the neck!

I have had a crush on a certain someone for a while now. They are not interested in the slightest, at least as far as I can tell, and that's fine. So, it is just up to me to get over it, right?

And just when you think you are over it, something draws you back. That certain thing about that person that makes your mind melt, your heart flip and your hand reach out and grab hold for all it's worth.

Of course you resist the urge to grab hold, thus avoiding a lot of awkward silence and avoided glances, but the rest you can't avoid. So there you are, wandering towards Crush City again knowing full well that nothing good will be waiting there.

So, back you are trying to get over it again. This time steeling yourself against a pair of perfect shoulders attached to a beautiful back that you just want to ... well, you know.


Anonymous said...

How true it is. Good luck no matter how it turns out. =)

lemming said...

(chuckles) Luckily I rarely run into Colin Firth while doing the shopping... ;-)