Sunday, June 01, 2008

Starry Friends

One great thing about Facebook is I have been able to catch up with a few old friends from High School. One of those friends is Bobby Getchell.

Bobby is now more widely known as "Robert Getchell - Tenor". Good ole Bobby, who sang some in High School, ended up studying voice in college, then in Europe and is now pretty big stuff. At least he seems big in the classical world.

It just floors me! I had no idea that someone I knew from back then had taken such an artistic road and had professional success.

As much as I am happy to say, "GO BOBBY!", it puts my recent gig as Tweedle Dee at a Bat Mitzvah in a sad perspective. I want to perform for the crown heads of Europe, not 13 year olds!!

At least Tweedle Dee got me $200 for an hour's work. Expect to see half that go to the big D this week!

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