Thursday, May 22, 2008

City Sinners.

Boo Entertainment Weekly! Boo!

I got my EW this week and it of course is featuring Sex and the City.

But it is a double issue, which means no EW next week.

And its double content covers SATC exclusively!

Now, I have seen a couple episodes of this show, and it was amusing, but it didn't catch me as a viewer and I am very, mostly, likely NOT going to see the film.

The last double issue we had covered the entire summer movie season. It took me 2.5 workouts to read it. Good job.

This one? One work out, because what it really is, is a regular issue of EW with a large editorial section on one film. Letters, photos, article, article, births and deaths etc., flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, flip, Caspian review, done! Um, all those flip flip flips should have been next week's mag!

Maybe we will get lucky and the double issue will truly be special and a new issue will still come out. Otherwise, that Precor is going to be so hard next week when I only have one day of distracting, mindless reading to help move the 40 minutes along.

And a shout out to Troy! One of the few who reads my drivil!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't hate on Sex And The City! Fabulous shoes, fabulous clothes, snarky characters...what's not to like? So I guess the answer to "do you want to come see SATC with us" would be a resounding "NO"?