Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Days of Wine and Roses

Okay, so the summer isn't going to suck so much after all. It is still going to be a weird and strange season, but at least I don't want to "end it all" by quitting the world and living under a bridge or running off to live on an island.

My current production opened this week. It opened come hell or high water, and we had a little bit of both. But the audience enjoyed it and we are waiting on the critics.

I was even given particular praise from certain unexpected individuals, so that helped in putting aside the bitter taste of a miserable life that was the last couple of weeks.

Three more weeks to go and then I will try and enjoy July as much as possible. I have a cousin getting married in far off regions that I should probably go see. The Queen of Florida and the Queen Mother live in a kingdom near by, so I could also take a visit there and update them on my life. I could call, but there are some significant updates. We shall see ...

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