Saturday, October 29, 2005

Go 'Stros part 2

So, the White Sox won the World Series, and they won it in 4 games. That is a little disappointing. It would have been nice if the Astos could have won at least one game.

Even though it was a 4 game win, it was a hard fought series, yes? Let us not forget the one game that went until 2am! And it was longer than the 18 inning game in the penant race!

One thing I was glad to see is the amount of fans, who, in the end, were still proud that we were in the World Series. This is a new age of Houston fans. In the past, losing would have made the team persona no grata. Houston fans used to be so fickle. Our fans are maturing I suppose and truly developing team loyalty over the we love 'em when they win but despise 'em when they loose mentality.

Better luck and a closed roof next year!!!

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