Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Small Minds Still Live!

I manage the general e-mail box for the theater and we recieved the following e-mail about our current production. I have also included the internal "response" a co-worker wrote. Names have been deleted to protect the small minded!

SUBJECT: Mr. Pim Passes By

Congratulations on producing this funny comedy! It is a refreshing change
from some of the previous productions involving crude and vulgar language,
profanity, homosexuality and blasphemy. These are downers and we like
uppers. We go to the theater to have fun and get our spirits lifted, not to
get depressed.

Mr. Pim only had 3 "damns" and one crude word and since Milne wrote it in
1919, these words may have been added since then to make it more modern.

We hope the rest of the season productions are just as good.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

L**** and B*****
Dear L**** and B*****,

Thank you for your positive sentiments. You will be pleased to know that
our 2008-2009 season consists entirely of time-honored classics from writers
such as Euripedes (The Bacchae), Shakespeare (Titus Andronicus), the theatre
of the Restoration ('Tis Pity She's a Whore), and Oscar Wilde (Salome).
There are probably not three "damns" in the entire season, so it will not
fail to lift your spirits!

We are highly aware of some audience members' sensitivities, and to honor
those concerns we are planning to take further steps to assist those patrons
in controlling their exposure to the offensive. Each audience member will
be provided with a headset and buzzer as well as a small rectangular black
card. The buzzer can be pressed or the card held up (vertically or
horizontally) when you deem it necessary to censor the language or spectacle
for yourself.

Hoping every season from now on is an "upper" for you, etc.

P.S. However, if you do not wish to see any homosexuals at the theater you
should probably just stay home.

By the by, my character is responsible for one of those "damns". I doubt that it was added later.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Gift

A local station is nonstop Christmas music for the season. This particular song (I believe sung by Alison Krauss) has been coming up. It just makes me cry. I can't even sing along...

The Gift
A poor orphan girl named Maria
Was walking to market one day
She stopped for to rest by the roadside
Where a bird with a broken wing lay
A few moments passed till she saw it
For its feathers were covered with sand
But soon clean and wrapped it was travelling
In the warmth of Maria's small hand

She happily gave her last peso
On a cage made of rushes and twine
She fed it loose corn from the market
And watched it grow stronger with time

Now the Christmas Eve service was coming
And the church shone with tinsel and light
And all of the townfolks brought presents
To lay by the manger that night
There were diamonds and incense
And perfumes
In packages fit for a king
But for one ragged bird in a small cage
Maria had nothing to bring

She waited till just before midnight
So no one would see her go in
And crying she knelt by the manger
For her gift was unworthy of Him

Then a voice spoke to her through the darkness
Maria, what brings you to me
If the bird in the cage is your offering
Open the door and let me see
Though she trembled, she did as He asked her
And out of the cage the bird flew
Soaring up into the rafters
On a wing that had healed good as new

Just then the midnight bells rang out
And the little bird started to sing
A song that no words could recapture
Whose beauty was fit for a king

Now Maria felt blessed just to listen
To that cascade of notes sweet and long
As her offering was lifted to heaven
By the very first nightingale's song

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mr. Pim Passes By

Who knew it would take to nearly 40 to dashing?

MST's amusing Mr. Pim shows audiences another side of Winnie-the-Pooh creator A.A. Milne
Houston Chronicle


Yes, Christopher Robin, A.A. Milne wrote more than just those beloved stories about Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet and the rest.

In fact, the children's tales and poems Milne created in the 1920s to amuse his son (the real-life Christopher Robin) were but a small part of his overall output, which included more than 25 plays and 17 books, both novels and non-fiction.

For much of his life, Milne (1882-1956) rather resented the fact that the silly old bear had eclipsed all his other work in the public eye.

So Milne would no doubt relish Main Street Theater's engaging revival of his 1920 comedy of manners Mr. Pim Passes By, his most successful and best-known play. Playgoers who appreciate gentle humor, quaint charm and amusingly drawn characters will enjoy it, too.

The simple plot unfolds at the country estate of bossy judge George Marden and his patient wife, Olivia. Living with them is George's sweetly impertinent niece, and ward, Dinah, eager to marry her dashing artist boyfriend, Brian Strange. George, naturally disapproves of their union, while Olivia encourages it.

Into the staid household comes Carraway Pim, a meek and forgetful little man with a letter of introduction. When he casually mentions meeting one Mr. Telworthy on the boat from Australia, he throws the Mardens into a tizzy. For Telworthy was Olivia's first husband, long thought dead. And if he is alive, they have committed bigamy and their marriage is nullified.

This pleasant trifle boasts some solid laughs amid its droll conversations, as when George decries Brian's modern painting with its ``triangular clouds and square sheep.'' Things get a bit thick with George's fretting over what the law and the church will say about the breach of propriety. But the play is never out of sorts for long. It peaks in the scene of wily Olivia using the confusion to get the better of George, extracting his consent both to Dinah's marriage and the new drapes he detests. In a play of this sort, the wife always gets the better of the husband.

Director Steve Garfinkel, MST's go-to guy for period charmers, achieves crispness and the requisite light touch. With a play this slight, push too hard for laughs and it collapses. Garfinkel and his team seem to understand, easy does it.

Carolyn Johnson exerts sly style and worldliness as the quietly knowing Olivia. Rutherford Cravens blusters and fumes as irascible George. But when he fears he may lose his "old girl,'' Cravens conveys genuine tenderness.

Morgan McCarthy makes an ideal ingenue as Dinah, a delightfully pert minx aglow with dewy freshness and a touch of mischief. Andrew Ruthven's solid Brian nicely balances her vivacity; he's ardent with her, but tongue-tied pleading his case to her guardian.
As Mr. Pim, Fritz Dickmann wanders in and out absent-mindedly, vague and primly fussy, unaware of the havoc he's unleashed. Melinda deKay is stern and sour-faced as the inevitable disapproving aunt, while Lyndsay Sweeney scutters about obligingly as the housemaid.

Boris Kaplun has designed an attractive English parlor with its cozy nooks, and Sarajane Milligan has costumed its people handsomely.

With Mr Pim, MST lets Houston playgoers experience what Milne's writing was like outside the nursery. Given that J.M. Barrie has suffered a similar fate, with an even more significant playwriting career overshadowed by his children's classic (Peter Pan), how long before one of Barrie's neglected plays pops up at MST? Anyone for Dear Brutus or What Every Woman Knows?

Mr. Pim Passes By
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, 8 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays, 3 p.m. Sundays, through Dec. 23. No performance Thanksgiving Day. On Nov. 29, Thursday show at 8 p.m.
Where: Main Street Theater, 2540 Times
Tickets:$20-$35; 713-524-6706.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reviews are in for "Sylvia"!

Okay, just one, but not bad for my first full Houston outing as a director!

Sylvia, A Masked Ball
Despite some leg humping, A. R. Gurney's fable gets best in show
By D.L. Groover
Published: October 25, 2007

That old showbiz axiom — work with dogs, risk being upstaged — receives a refreshing swat across the snout in A.R. Gurney's romantic fable Sylvia, now running at Town Center Theatre. In this ultra-smart marital comedy, the title character is a dog, played to canine perfection by the spirited Alison Luff.

In Gurney's warm and softly funny play, Sylvia romps with puppy abandon, yapping when annoyed, barking obscenities at nearby felines, humping a leg or two and indiscriminately peeing on the carpet. She is pure love, and her new master, unemployed Greg (John Chandler), who found her wandering lost in the park, is instantly smitten, falling hard under her doggie charm. But Greg's power wife Kate (Bonnie Hewett) is not amused. She's savvy enough to notice who's getting more loving between her and the dog. "Saliva," Kate calls the intruder with disparagement, has got to go. They circle each other warily, both on all fours by the end of Act I, each determined to be top dog.

Gurney's sly treatment of marriage, commitment and New York life gently mocks the universal, age-old battle of the sexes. The playwright's arsenal of tricks is as clever and adorable as Lassie's. Tipping the scales in this domestic triad are three subsidiary characters played by the same actor (Aaron Stryk on opening weekend; Ben Warner for the remaining performances). Buddy Tom is Greg's male chauvinist enabler who swears by self-help guru-type books like Your Pooch and Your Partner. Phyllis is Kate's Upper East Side yenta friend, who thinks a goldfish makes the safest companion for a distracted husband. Then there's Leslie of the indeterminate gender, the couple's marriage counselor who's sorely in need of her own therapist. Each has his or her own comic take on what it really means to a healthy relationship when one of the partners brings a different kind of love back home.

Under director [Drewster's] smooth pacing, Gurney's cozy, hip play gleams with professional polish. The cast is an utter delight. Luff, of course, makes a sexy bitch; lovesick Chandler is as forlorn as a beagle; Hewett fights for her dignity with bulldog tenacity; and Stryk's versatility is truly best in show. A resounding pat on the head to Town Center — good dog!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Drowning in the Depths

You know you are really down in the dumps when you are so dreppressed you can't decide which confort food will make you feel better.

Fried chicken?
Coffee ice cream?

In the end, pizza wins because they bring it to you...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Pan Is Back!

Remember all those many months ago when Peter Pan Peanut Butter was found to contain harmful bacteria and all the jars, whether it was part of the recalled lot or not, were pulled from the shelves? I do. I had one of those jars and had been eating from it. Fortunately, I did not get ill, but it was with a heavy heart that I threw that jar of peanut butter away and bought a jar of Jiff from the shelves with the big empty spaces where Peter Pan used to be.

The company promised to hunt down the problem (leaky water pipes in the factory) and start new production in July. Well my friends that promise has come to bear on the shelves of Kroger in Houston, Texas.

Today I saw Peter Pan Peanut Butter on the shelves. Crunchy and creamy. Only small jars, but I didn’t care. I bought two, brought them home and opened one immediately. Taking a knife from the draw, I scooped some out and ate it straight from the jar.

Can I tell you it was a little bit of heaven in my mouth? Jiff was okay, but nothing can compare to the richness and flavor on Peter Pan.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

When can you tell them that Beth dies?

At long last, the last Harry Potter book has been released. In anticipation of finishing the series, a small group of friends have been e-mailing each other when they finished, indicating that it was okay to talk about it.

In that thread, entitled "finished yet?", there was some general teasing of grandly false reveals, but when people announced they were finished, private threads were started to discuss.

Today, I got an e-mail in the original thread from a friend announcing that they are going to read the books now that ALL were published and to remove him from the discussion. First, I found this funny since he wasn't part of any real discussion, but then it made me think of a question I have often asked. Is it ever allowed to say to someone, "Tough, we are talking about it and yes, Beth dies?"

(For non-fans of FRIENDS, I refer to when Rachel revealed to Joey that Beth dies in LITTLE WOMEN.)

When books or movies or TV finales come out, very often you have to watch what you say because people around you haven't read or seen it yet. And of course, if you haven't finished HP7 by today, or saw last night's TV show finale or last weekend's big movie, you do your best not to reveal anything.

But what about last year's big shocking item? Is it ever safe to say, um sorry, Beth dies, the ship sinks, or who is Kaiser Souse?

I say yes. There is a statute of limitations on keeping surprises secret. What that is, I don't know. A few months maybe? A year? I just did SIDE SHOW, and the actor playing Terry mentioned that he had never seen SEVEN and someone else said he was shocked that so many people didn't understand what was in the box at the end (revealing said object), and Terry was all, "You ruined it!" The movie came out years ago. Unless you say, "I have never seen SEVEN and don't say anything, I am renting it this week!", you run the risk of someone saying, "That was a great movie. I can't believe that _____ was in the box at the end!"

What I can say to my future HP reading friend, even if you start reading now, you will probably reach this limit before you get to book 7. Just warning you.

So, the next time you tell me, "I have never read Little Women.", don't be surprised if I tell you how much I love that book and cry every time Beth dies unless you instantly tell me to keep my trap shut! And for those of you keeping track, sorry, there is a box at the end of SEVEN and someone IS Kaiser Souse.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Band of Brothers still gets me

With summer reruns upon us, I have been burning through my netflix dvds pretty fast. So, to fill time inbetween deliveries, I have turned to my own, neglected library.

I saw Band of Brothers when it was first broadcast in 2001. It just floored me. I received the dvds for Christmas one year, but never watched them. So, I thought, this would be a good time.

I dropped in disc one today. No time to watch, but I thought I would watch the opening credits to get it "set up" for viewing later. I forgot how truly beautiful the music was. I mean, I thought it was great, but I was practically in tears by the end of the credits. And this was just emotional memory of the show. I couldn't really remember specific scenes or performances other than my favorite one revolved around the medic.

If I had to name one program as the best television event ever, BOB would win hands down. I wouldn't have to think about it. It was even better than From the Earth to the Moon.

If you haven't seen it, I urge you to run, not walk, to your nearest store or on-line queue and see this epic work.

That's all.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The World will pardon my blush...

You ever have a crush on someone you can't shake? I do now. Man, what a pain in the neck!

I have had a crush on a certain someone for a while now. They are not interested in the slightest, at least as far as I can tell, and that's fine. So, it is just up to me to get over it, right?

And just when you think you are over it, something draws you back. That certain thing about that person that makes your mind melt, your heart flip and your hand reach out and grab hold for all it's worth.

Of course you resist the urge to grab hold, thus avoiding a lot of awkward silence and avoided glances, but the rest you can't avoid. So there you are, wandering towards Crush City again knowing full well that nothing good will be waiting there.

So, back you are trying to get over it again. This time steeling yourself against a pair of perfect shoulders attached to a beautiful back that you just want to ... well, you know.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Am I the next Laird?

One of the benefits of joining Netflix is that I get to see many a BBC series that normal cable does not afford.

One recommended to me by that particular Internet engine was "Monarch of the Glen". It is a capable drama with some wit and loads of fantastic Scottish countryside.

A special feature of the first season disk is a piece a travel show did on the area where the show is filmed. Various locations were shot with interviews of cast members. Once interview starts with an establishing shot of some ruins. They sort of looked familiar, but hey, one ruin looks like the rest, no. In the interview they refer to the ruins as barracks. What a minute, I think, barracks? The only barracks I know are the barracks that bear my surname. So I rewind and look again. By golly if that isn't what they are.

The barracks are not named, but I do some quick research on the other areas, like Loch Insh and Kingussie, and sure enough, "Monarch of the Glen" is filmed in the area that was once lorded over by my forefathers! No wonder I like the show so much!

I want to go to Scotland!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Where is the laugh track?

The afternoon was planned out so nicely. After working in the box office dealing with closing day crowds, I came home, ordered pizza and sat down to handle my taxes.

Mine aren't that difficult this year. Turbo Tax makes it a breeze!

Well, that is until you find out that Turbo Tax no longer supports Windows ME. I can't load the software on my computer. I can load it on my lap top, but that is at work. I will just run back there and ... no, I have pizza coming. I will have to wait on that!

Fine, I have a judging report to do for the Tommy Tune High School Musical awards to do. I will just pull that out. Its late for various reasons, so if I can just get it out of the way...

Wait, these aren't the forms for the school I did from the other judges. I judged with Lynne, yes, but not this school. Uh oh.

So now I can't do my taxes because my computer has been abandoned by Microsoft. I can't do my judging letter because I got the wrong forms, and I have pizza coming that was supposed to be my reward and to sustain me as I do it all.

Ai yi yi!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Retail Revenge

Just over two weeks ago I bought some new swim trunks and a pair of shorts from Target for my Puerto Rican Vacation.

10 days later, just after my return from PR, I was in Target and saw that the items were on sale.

5 days after that, I returned with my receipts for a price reduction.


Reason number 1, the sale was over. I kind of get that. It was Sunday and the sale ended the day before, on Saturday. I just didn't move fast enough.

Reason number 2, something to do with the receipt, the sale and 14 days. I don't know if the receipt was 15 days old and not eligible for a price break, or if they meant the sale had to be within 14 days of the purchase (um, which it was) or what, but denial none the less.

Regardless, the fact that I was denied really annoyed me. I mean, why not give me the reduction? The items were still returnable after all. The receipt didn't expire for that until June.

To satisfy my annoyance, I took the items back today for a full refund citing ill fit as the reason. This was kind of true for the swim trunks, and if I really commit to losing 20lbs., may soon be the case for the shorts (though the smaller size did compete with bone structure as well as fleshy parts). I think the price break would have been like $10. The refund was $35 plus tax. How about that for a price reduction?

I work in customer service. I know there are rules to follow. Heck, I create some of the rules, but if you can cut the customer a break without sweating it, you do. That creates good will.

As for the shorts? I will just wait for them to go on sale again...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Como se llama?

So, I am on vacation in sunny Puerto Rico and on Blogger everything is in Spanish. Not my posts. I am not typing in English and magically watching my words show up in Spanish, but all the headings and titles and such are in Spanish.

Having lived most of my life and spent more than half my education in Texas, I have studied Spanish a little. So I can see that "nueva entrada" means new entry and "Anonimo dijo" means Anonymous Says. (Note that the first O in Anonimo should have an accent)

The odd thing is, the magic of computers knows that I am in a mostly Spanish speaking country, but it must remember that my blog was created in the USA. My blog page is almost entirely in English. Just the blue bar at the top contains foriegn words. The rest of the Blogger created items are English. Posting dates, monthly archives etc.

!Muy extraño!

What's more, there isn't an option to change to English that I can find. It is an American territory. There are some only English speaking people living here. They should have that option, don't you think?

I will now publicar instead of guardar como borrador. I think I will achieve the correct result...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I have succumbed to the future of video!

I became a member of Netflicks this past week. I had been avoiding it very well so far. I didn't have much need for it as I watched so much TV I always had something taped.

Yet, this near spring, as my schedule started to ease up, I found huge chunks of time when I was all caught up on shows and could either do chores or watch Clean Sweep on TLC. Well, Clean Sweep is fun, but after a while you do feel like you should be practicing what they teach, so I need something else to watch in this down time.

So, I joined Netflicks. What for? TV series! There are a few I have missed for one reason or another (pay cable, irregular airings) and so I am starting with those. Want to see a schedule that will give you whiplash?

Season 1: Queer As Folk
Battlestar Galactica Mini (seen but refresher for...)
Season 1: Battlestar Galactica
Season 1: MI5 (also seen, but damn good, short and prep for later seasons!)

I am at the cheapest unlimited level. 1 at a time. With a Houston warehouse, the turn around is amazing. I signed up over the weekend. Disc one showed up Tuesday. Watched the whole thing, dropped it in the mail Wednesday. Watched Lost and Survior in the mean time, and the second disc arrived Friday. Not too shabby!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Down shifting in the Fast Lane

Life is finally beginning to slow down. Thank all that is great and good in the world!

I closed The Diary of Anne Frank last week. The show is one of the most depressing stories ever told, and it really happened. Doing it 2 to 3 times a day, 5 or 6 days a week can really get to you. I am exhausted, grumpy and easily annoyed.

But now it is over. Side Show goes up this weekend. It is a concert presentation of the show as a fundraiser and a kind of backers audition for a full production this summer. After the concert, vacation in sunny Puerto Rico!

Side Show will most likely be my last major project for a while. I am tired. I am really tired of auditioning! And it doesn't help that you audition and audition, putting in some really good ones, and then, without being considered for a larger role, producers go trolling for the people who didn't audition to play principal parts. And I am really beginning to resent listening to director friends talk about all the people they want for principals and features in their next project but you are not one of them.

I think I am going to be leaving the musical stage for a while. I want to be more than performing right now. I want something that I can really sink my teeth into. Doing ensemble for something like Side Show is fun (great music, great cast) and I am performing, which is always a high, but I don't feel like I am doing any work. Not like a I got to do in Anne Frank and especially in An Empty Plate at the Cafe du Grand Beouf.

So, if they come looking for me, great. I will consider any opportunity offered, but there are plenty of choristers out there. I need interesting, growth potential work or I need rest.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What the hell, I will blog!

Dear Reader,
So it seems I can never get the hang of this blog thing. It has been almost a month since I tried to say anything. I suppose I put to much importance on what I want to say.

Part of the problem is I think I want to say something deep and purposeful, but then I think, do I want everyone who might be reading this blog to know that? There are some I would love to know that, but others it might be too much. This is because people who read this KNOW who writes this. And for that matter, does anyone really care? Well, yes, people do care, but should I bore the rest of you with the deep renderings of my twisted, dissappointed, confused soul?

In the mean time I just upgraded to the new blogger. I had been resisting. But why? It is not like I used the old one to any degree to make me hang on to it.

On an unrelated note, Burger King keeps playing a commercial on the radio that is making me nuts. A man with a hidden mike goes to Arkansas and asks if he can get a "Mustard Whopper". Not a Whopper with mustard that the young lady is more than happy to make him, but a Mustard Whopper like they make in Texas. Since you can get a Mustard Whopper in Texas and not Arkansas, Texas is somehow better. What the hell? BK is the have it your way place. If you want mustard on your whopper, you should just be able to ask for it. You shouldn't expect that they will have a special whopper with mustard on it?

I wonder what they would do if I went into a Texas BK and ordered a Mustard Whopper with no Mustard. You mean you want a regular whopper sir? No, I want a Mustard Whopper, I just want to have it my way!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Where did I go?

So, dear reader, you probably wonder where the hell did I go! My little pic has been missing for an unknown length of time. It is due to my joining the high speed DSL highway.

My icon was saved on a server that was connected to my dial up account. I only use that server for the icon. I didn't even realize the impact it would have.

So I uploaded the icon to another server I have access to, but still, I remained a little red x! What was up with that?

It finally occurs to me today that I only needed to republish my blog! Gee, maybe if I poseted more, I would have noticed and fixed it sooner!

On the related note on catching up on my on-line reading, I found out some distressing news about the Queen of Florida. A tragic event brought about a dark time for the kingdom, but from what I hear, all is going well toward brighter days, and her highness is showing a face to her subjects that even Queen Elizabeth would be proud of. God save the Queen!